

 Heath Walton is a 23 year old Worship Leader/ Songwriter from Mobile, AL. Heath has been leading worship since he was 13 years old and has written music since the age of 15. "I think my greatest...accomplishment...if you want to call it an accomplishment, is that one of the songs that I wrote was used at Lifeway's Centrifuge Camps during the summer...it's pretty cool. Shout out to the worship band, Soloflight. I think my greatest moment as a songwriter was going to a church to lead worship, and they already knew the song...it's pretty awesome hearing people worship to a song that you wrote." Heath is currently the music minister for Emmanuel Baptist Church in Mobile, AL. "I love leading worship at Emmanuel. I mean...sure, leading worship at all these churches and different events is awesome, but there is such a sense of fulfillment and joy that comes from leading your church family week in and week out." A few of his songs have been recorded by the band, Soloflight. "One of my best friends, Andrew Buttry, is the worship leader in a band called, Soloflight. Soloflight is a touring worship band that leads at Centrifuge camps in the summers. They recorded my song, "God of the Nations," and they recorded my arrangement of a Phillip Bliss song, "Send the Light." Heath's goal in life is to please God with everything that he does, including song writing. "I have written about secular things--i.e. my wife, and even in that I want to please God. However, I find myself drawn more and more to just the worship aspect of songwriting. I am really starting to get into scripture more, and I want to write songs that simply glorify God, because He deserves it."


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